SLS Affiliated Courses span all six Colleges. These courses teach students about "creating sustainable communities" from the perspective of their specific disciplines or course topics. They align with one or more parts of SLS' approach to creating sustainable communities.

Faculty: Request Course Affiliation

To Search By Faculty Member: Type in the faculty member's name in the search bar at the top right-hand corner of this page to see their courses and their involvement with SLS.

Interested in taking a course in the new Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design? Select that as a search criteria in the drop-down menu under Program.

Introduction to Global Development

Spring 2023, Fall 2017
INTA 2050
Affiliated Courses, Sustainable Cities Minor

This course introduces students to the history, theory and practice of international development…

Introduction to Global Development

Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018
INTA 2050
Affiliated Courses

This course introduces students to the history, theory and practice of international development…

Introduction to Historic Preservation

Fall 2018, Fall 2017
ARCH 4107, ARCH 6107
Affiliated Courses

This course will help students develop an understanding of the history, philosophy, organization…

Introduction to Land Use Planning

Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019
CP 6112
Affiliated Courses, Sustainable Cities Minor

Land use planning touches upon all the core areas of sustainable planning practice, from…

Introduction to Media Studies

Summer 2018
LMC 2400
Affiliated Courses

How have contemporary media, such as comics, film, literature, video games, data visualization,…

Introduction to Museum Studies

Spring 2022
HTS 3100
Affiliated Courses

This introductory class in museum studies is a studio history class, in which you will be…

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Spring 2018
MGT 3101
Affiliated Courses

MGT 3101 Organizational Behavior is a field that seeks to understand, explain and ultimately…

Introduction to Research

Fall 2018
COS 2000
Affiliated Courses

SHaRP Living Learning Community students only – Students in this course will engage with faculty…

Introduction to Sustainable Systems

Fall 2016
GT 2803 SLS, GT 4803 SLS, ISyE 2803 SLS, MGT 2803 SLS
Affiliated Courses

This course has a GT designation so student in any major can count it towards free electives,…

Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning

Fall 2022, Summer 2021, Summer 2020, Summer 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Summer 2017
CP 4020
Affiliated Courses, Sustainable Cities Minor

This course provides an overview of the planning of cities and metropolitan regions.  The legal…

Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning

Summer 2023
CP 4020
Affiliated Courses, Sustainable Cities Minor

This course provides an overview of the planning of cities and metropolitan regions.  The legal…

Introduction to User Interface Design

Fall 2024, Spring 2022, Fall 2019, Fall 2018
CS 3750, PSY 3750
Affiliated Courses

In this course we work through the entire User Centered Design Cycle: requirements gathering,…

Japan Summer Program in Sustainable Development

Fall 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Summer 2017
Study Abroad

Japan Today

Summer 2020, Summer 2019
JAPN 3693
Affiliated Courses

Japan Today is a Japanese language course held in Beppu Japan during the summer abroad program…

Japanese Discourse and Grammar

Fall 2021
JAPN 4750, JAPN 8803
Affiliated Courses

In JPN 4750/8803 "Japanese & Discourse" is the advanced Japanese course, the students learn…

Jr/Sr Studio (Study Abroad Berlin)

Spring 2018
ARCH 3855, ARCH 4855
Affiliated Courses

DDB projects are part of a program where students from the Georgia Institute of Technology…

Junior Design (Part 1): Project Design and Technical Communication Strategies

Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019
CS 3311, LMC 3432
Affiliated Courses

This course is part 1 of a two-semester Junior Design capstone course sequence that includes a…

Land Conservation

Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021
CP 4105, CP 6105
Affiliated Courses

The goal of the Land Conservation course is to help students develop a broad understanding of…

Land Conservation

Spring 2022, Spring 2021
CP 4105, CP 6105
Affiliated Courses

The goal of the Land Conservation course is to help students develop a broad understanding of…

Language for Business and Technology (LBAT II): Germany

Summer 2021, Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Summer 2017
GRMN 3696
Study Abroad

Language for Business and Technology (LBAT II): Germany

Summer 2021, Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Summer 2017
GRMN 3696
Study Abroad

This study abroad LBAT (…

Language for Business and Technology (LBAT): France

Summer 2023, Summer 2022
FREN 3694
Affiliated Courses, Study Abroad, Sustainable Cities Minor

This study abroad LBAT (Language for Business…

Language for Business and Technology (LBAT): France

Summer 2021, Summer 2020, Summer 2019
FREN 3012, FREN 3697, FREN 3692
Study Abroad

Some courses in the LBAT France program will introduce students to the theory, principles, and…

Leadership for Social Good (Central and Eastern Europe)

Summer 2021, Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Summer 2017
MGT 4191/92, MGT 4611, MGT 4803
Innovating for Social Impact (I4SI), Study Abroad, Sustainable Cities Minor

Leadership Minor Capstone - Social Impact Organizations

Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017
MGT 4611
Affiliated Courses

This is a capstone style course where most of the learning will be generated through a project…