
Extreme heat leads to more deaths in the US than all other natural disasters combined, and as global temperatures rise, so will the dangers. Urban areas, such as Georgia Tech’s campus, are of primary concern because of the urban heat island effect – the phenomenon in which cities are warmer than nearby rural areas.

Georgia Tech needs your help! This tool will teach you more about the urban heat island effect. You’ll identify real-world urban heat islands on the Georgia Tech campus and propose strategies to reduce temperatures at these campus hot spots. We encourage you to send your recommendations to Georgia Tech’s Urban Climate Lab for consideration! 

  1. Create a numbered list...

Start by listing each document on a separate line then selecting the entire line and clicking the link icon in the toolbar (the one WITHOUT the plus). Select 'Browse Server' then navigate to documents > Toolkit-Docs and choose the correct folder to upload your tool into and then insert the file. Finally, with the entire link selected go to the 'Styles' dropdown in the toolbar above and scroll down to add the relevant PDF/Word/Excel/PowerPoint icon.

Create a bulleted list for any other materials that do not need to be downloaded...

  • Bulleted list...
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