Aleksander Sedzielarz
ENGL 1101
Summer 2021

The questions surrounding the refugee experience are the principal humanistic questions of the twenty-first century. Readings and films in this course will demonstrate how sustainability, growth, and progress must be shaped by an understanding of the life, work, and future of people displaced by war, environmental crises, and violence (including the violence of the state upon its own citizens). In this course, we will learn about sustainable and socially innovative community-building projects from refugee organizations in Clarkston—a town on the perimeter of Atlanta where thousands of refugees from across the world have settled. We will hone our multimedia and multimodal communication skills through techniques of research, interviewing, and documentary media production as we work with partner organizations in Clarkston and learn from the refugee experience. We will draw on asset-based understandings of equitable community partnership in listening to the stories of the people of Clarkston and amplifying their voices. This course is affiliated with the Georgia Tech Serve-Learn-Sustain center and will feature projects developed in partnership with Atlanta-area organizations founded by refugees.

Course Type
Course Level
Partner Engagement
Core Curriculum Requirements