Valerie Thomas
ISYE 4803
Fall 2018
Fall 2017

ISyE 4803 Energy and Environmental Analysis addresses energy and environmental assessment from a systems perspective. Designed for students who have already taken ISyE 3025 (Engineering Economics) and Physics 2211 and 2212 (introductory physics) the course provides an introduction to energy analysis and environmental lifecycle assessment, with application to energy efficiency, renewable energy, resource availability and environmental impacts. The course is open to students from all majors, but ISyE majors have first option.  Physics 1201 and 1202 and ISyE 3025 Engineering Economics are pre-requisites. Although this is an undergraduate course, graduate students interested in energy and environmental life cycle assessment may be interested.

Course Type
Physics 1201/1202 and ISyE 3025
Course Level
Partner Engagement